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Safeguarding, Prevent Duty & Martyn’s Law 

Hartlepool Jobs & Skills is committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all of our learners and we have a dedicated Safeguarding & Pastoral Support Team.

If anyone has concerns over their own safety and welfare, or the safety and welfare of another individual, they should discuss this with their Tutor/Assessor, a member of staff or anyone from the Safeguarding & Pastoral Support Team.

Tracey Wilson – 07929832141 – [email protected]

Andrea Willingham – 07929832134 – [email protected]

Makenzie Davis – 07929832141 – [email protected] 

Julia Ellis – 01429 868616 – [email protected]

Malcolm Yorke – 07970172019 – [email protected] (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

Scott Campbell – 07773474725 – [email protected] (Safeguarding & Prevent Lead)


Safeguarding learners and staff is one of the most important things we do.  We want to protect you by helping you protect yourself. This is what safeguarding is all about every person who comes into Hartlepool Jobs & Skills is important. Therefore we want to ensure that what you say is listened to and that you feel safe, respected and treated well. If you are unhappy, worried or frightened about anything that happens during your time with us, or in your personal life we want to help you. We pride ourselves in providing safe and happy environments for all. In a recent survey 99% of learners who completed the survey said they felt safe in the Service.

What do we do at Hartlepool Jobs & Skills? 
  • Have clear policies and procedures in place.
  • Have a dedicated Safeguarding & Pastoral Support Team.
  • All of our staff working for, or on behalf of the Service, are suitable to work with young people and adults at risk, carrying out all the relevant checks.
  • Actively encourage learners and staff to raise any concerns they have.
  • Take all concerns seriously, act upon them, and offer full support both through Service and specialist services via the Community Hubs.
  • Train all of our staff in safeguarding, prevent and protect duty at a level appropriate to their role on an on-going basis.
How to report a concern?

If you are worried about yourself or someone you know, please speak to any member of staff who will ensure you get the help and support you need from our Safeguarding & Pastoral Support Team.

There are some examples below of issues that would come under safeguarding:

  1. Bullying/Harassment including Online Bullying
  2. County Lines and Knife Crime
  3. CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation)
  4. Domestic Violence
  5. Drug and Alcohol Abuse
  6. Hate Crime
  7. Radicalisation/Extremism
  8. Self-Harm
  9. Sexual Abuse
  10. Trafficking

Help and advice is available by going into any of the Community Hubs. Alternatively, telephone 01429 868616 or email [email protected].

Prevent is about safeguarding people from the threat of terrorism. Terrorism covers all forms of extremism, both violent and non-violent and is defined in the national prevent strategy as 'any vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values' and covers international and domestic terrorist threats, including the activities of far-right groups and animal rights groups.

We have a vital role to play in protecting learners from the risk of extremism and radicalisation. This is underpinned by the Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015 which states that Educational Institutions must have 'due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.'

The Service works closely with community and partner agencies to safeguard vulnerable individuals from any background who might be at risk from radicalisation. The Prevent Lead for Hartlepool Jobs & Skills is Scott Campbell (Service Manager).

What are our responsibilities for Prevent?

We all have a responsibility to safeguard our staff and protect learners against all forms of harm, including being drawn into terrorism. While it remains extremely rare for people to become involved in terrorist activity, there is a risk that young people and adults can be exposed to extremist influence or prejudiced views.

The Service has a duty to help others understand the Prevent Strategy and recognise if someone may be involved or is supporting terrorism, and help them to take action and choose a different path for their lives.

Understanding Prevent?

The National Prevent Strategy is part of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy – CONTEST. It addresses all forms of terrorism and is designed to tackle the problem at its roots, preventing people from supporting or becoming involved in terrorism. Prevent has three clear objectives:

  • Challenging the ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it.
  • Protecting vulnerable individuals to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
  • Supporting sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation.

Find out more about the Prevent Programme (GOV.UK)

The UK has suffered a number of recent low-sophistication terror attacks at public spaces, in addition to the devastation of larger-scale atrocities such as that at the Manchester Arena. 

Although terrorist attacks are rare the threat from terrorism is real and increasingly unpredictable, with public spaces and crowded areas being increasingly viewed as attractive targets. The Protect Duty, now to be known as ‘Martyn’s Law’, will ensure that security preparedness is delivered consistently across the UK, ensuring better protection of the public. The new duty will require venues to take steps to improve public safety, with measures dependent on the size of the venue and the activity taking place. It is expected that the legislation to establish Martyn’s Law will be introduced in 2024.

ProtectUK provides the latest advice and guidance to tackle threats of terrorism. The online platform gives anyone access to news, webinars and e-learning courses to enable people to feel better protected in the UK.

Download the ProtectUK App on Android

Download the ProtectUK App on iOS

Hartlepool Jobs & Skills is positively committed to creating an inclusive environment which is free from discrimination and where there is mutual respect and equality for all. We are dedicated to promoting values which help to develop a strong sense of community and social and moral responsibility by:

  • Creating environments free from discrimination, intolerance, and hate 
  • Challenging prejudice and stereotyping 
  • Strengthening relationships by enabling and understanding of people and communities beyond our own immediate experience 
  • Allowing people to be who they are without prejudice 
  • Ensuring individuals understand the importance of respect and are responsible citizens who can live and work in modern Britain and the world 

The five British Values are defined as:


Everyone has a role in influencing decision making, at national, local and community level. At Hartlepool Jobs & Skills, this includes individuals exercising their democratic influence through forums or feedback mechanisms. Individuals have influence for example on which charities to support, or on developing procedures to improve their experience within our Community Hubs.

The Rule of Law:

This relates to an understanding of the importance of having laws and the consequence of breaking them, accepting that no one is above the law. It is about individuals having an understanding of their rights and responsibilities, as individuals, employees and citizens. At Hartlepool Jobs & Skills, this includes individuals accepting responsibility for their behaviour so they can distinguish right from wrong.

Individual Liberty: 

This relates to rights and responsibilities as citizens; the right to act, believe and express oneself in a manner of one’s own choosing. This requires an understanding of the balance between freedom of speech and expression and the potential negative impact on others. At Hartlepool Jobs & Skills, this includes individuals understanding the impact of their own behaviour on others.

Mutual Respect:

We expect that other individuals, staff, volunteers and the public be treated with respect and courtesy. We expect that you comply with our Code of Conduct and be aware that you are an ambassador for the Service. At Hartlepool Jobs & Skills, we encourage individuals to participate in community activities, become volunteers or to attend our regular enrichment events within the Community Hubs. 

Tolerance for Others (such as different Faiths and Beliefs):

We expect tolerance of other people’s views and consistently raise awareness of individual’s responsibilities under equality legislation. At Hartlepool Jobs & Skills, we promote tolerance, friendship and understanding of a range of religions and cultures across all of our activities, social groups, services and this forms a key part of our Code of Conduct.

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